Friday, May 13, 2011

Want To See How Much Time & Taxpayer Money Obama Has Spent In Traveling?

I received this email today and thought you might be interested in seeing just how much traveling Obama has done...AT TAXPAYERS' EXPENSE!  While we all know that vacationing is what he does best, the amount of traveling this prima dona has actually been doing is almost mindboggling:


Last  year Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times which breaks down to almost every other day!           
Bear in mind that just ONE FLIGHT HOUR for Air Force One is estimated to cost taxpayers $181,757.!
(Not to mention the additional travel costs of Secret Service, Marine One, traveling companions/politicians/family members, logistics and local law enforcement.)  This is quite an expensive Frequent Flier program that Obama has going for himself!  AND talk about a massive carbon footprint!

White  House officials have been telling reporters in recent days that Obama does not  intend to hang around the White House "quite so much" in 2011. 
They explain that he wants to "get out more" around the country because, as everyone knows, this past midterm election shellacking on November 2 had "NOTHING" to do with his healthcare bill, over-spending, or other policies but, instead, "EVERYTHING" to do with Obama's  "not adequately explaining himself" to the American people!
And with only 673 days remaining in Obama's never-ending presidential campaign,  this At-Taxpayer's-Expense-Paid travel pace will not likely slacken but, instead, increase!.

We  are privy to some of these numbers thanks to CBS's Mark Knoller, a bearded 'national treasure trove' of presidential stats.

According to Knoller's copious  notes:

During this last year, Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days...not counting six vacation trips over 32 days.
Obama took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation, and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
Last  year Obama gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more talking than what goes on in some entire least from fatherly mouths.
In  fact, even including the 24 days of 2010 that we never saw Obama in public,  his speaking works out to be about one official utterance every 11 waking hours.  Aides indicate this 'Real Good Talker' believes we need even MORE 'talk'.

Related:  Obama spends nearly HALF of his presidency OUTSIDE of Washington...and plans to travel even more now with the 2012 election coming up!

> Related:  Vacationer-in-Chief spends $1.75 MILLION to visit Hawaiian chums.

Obama  has spent over $100 MILLION taxpayer dollars flying around in Air Force One,  and probably another $100 Million on his entourage.

Obama is just another dictator living lavishly at the expense of his subjects!
And our senior citizens have to 'tighten their belts' because they are not 
getting a 'cost of living allowance' for the second year in a row!


If you found this email to be informative, I hope you'll pass it around to others.  We cannot afford to let this man win re-election in 2012!  At least NOT if we want to continue living in the Republic of the United States of America!

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